Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A not so Kikay wanna be

I'm not the typical vain person that you think.  I don't go with the norm as well. I'm not the typical under dog that you usually know. I just love fashion and the way it is to be. This past few days I've been so addicted on checking on what's new about the beauty and wellness section of malls. I've been reading a lot of blogs and articles about beauty and wellness and I can't also stop my self buying some beauty products from Mommy Aimee (my officemate who's a Mary Kay dealer). 

It started with a facial cleanser trial pack and now I have the liquid foundation, mineral powder, moisturizer, the day and night cream, lipstick and now the body wash. Sometimes it is OK to be vain you just need to know or you just need to be knowledgeable with the idea of what you are buying or purchasing if it is good or not.  Ask some experts before taking the risk on trying some products that you will use for your skin. Always remember our skin is one of our greatest possession in life (if you are a lady). So, I believe as what other people say, it is OK to invest for some expensive products most especially when it comes to your beauty and wellness. 

So, I was thinking why not to share it with you guys! Since we are all sisters! I will share some good advice on "how to and what to" skin care products is good for you.

I don't have a sensitive skin since I was a teenager. I don't even use anything for my face when I was in high school, unlike my other classmates I don't  know what's the use of foundation and make ups for. I know that those are for your face but I only use it if it i needed unlike them that they can't live if they don't have foundation or talc powder in their pockets. Until I entered college and I started to use face powder and then lip gloss, to lipstick and now to complete make up going to work! 

It doesn't mean that only beauty queens and stars are the only one who have the right to be  head turner or to be beautiful everyday. You can be as well, OF COURSE! Everyone is beautiful, and it doesn't mean that if I say, I used to have a complete make up everyday, It means I look like a candidate from a beauty pageant (which sometimes I do lol). That's why I'm sharing this to you so that you will know what I mean, I will share what will be the perfect make up for you and what are the perfect facial care for you. 

Let's start with my daily regimen, as I mentioned I'm not so used with the beauty product before, soap is enough or sometimes I don't wash my face at night, but I realize that we are getting older and I need to break the rules. Let's start with what I use. I'm an Olay fan before but in th long run I realize that it is to harmful to my skin, the chemicals that olay has doesn't not match my skin (this is based on my experience, not to bad mouth about olay, I love olay so much!), so I switched to Ponds, it's a bit OK but it makes my skin dry the corner of my nose is so dry and sometimes it is so obvious because of some marks and a little skin peeling, from then I learned how to do research and to choose what is the right product is good for my skin. 

Now, I'm using Mary Kay. It's a bit expensive but in the name of beauty, money doesn't matter anymore (that's the power of installment payment! lol). I've been using it for a month now and I can say that it really matches my skin and I'm getting good compliments from other people. My T-zone is not so dry anymore, no more skin peeling on the corner of my nose, it looks like I'm always photo ready (one of this days I will share to you which of the Mary Kay products that I use and which is good for you).

Let me share a little pointers about what is good for your skin... 

* Wash your face everyday, before and after you sleep. Use cleanser that matches your skin. Avoid heavy cleansing creams, too much harmful chemicals.

* Go organic, choose products that are rich in minerals, use pure soap that has no harmful additives. This can make your skin supple. 

* Use hot water when washing your face. Hot water dissolves skin oil better than lukewarm or cold water.

* Use your beauty fingers. When cleansing, massage your face well with your fingertips, using an upward and outward motion. Be careful not to rub soap into the skin; it can clog pores.

* Choose cosmetic and facial care products specifically designed for the type of your skin. 

* Use SPF creams or sun protection cream if you will be expose to much to the sun.

* If you have oily skin, limit washing your face to two or three times a day. Too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.

* Make sure to drink lots of water. Your body needs plenty of hydration during the day to keep removing wastes and oils from your face. You should probably drink eight glasses of water a day.

* Don't touch your face. Many people have bad habits of messing with acne or leaning their face on their hands. Your hands have oils on them that will clog pores, increasing blemishes. No matter how tempting it might be, don't pop pimples or interfere with anything facial- though it may seem like it will make it better, it actually makes it much worse and instead of dealing with a two day pimple you now have a two week long project. A tip here is changing your pillow case often- the oils linger on the fabric, getting on your face during the night.

* Take care of facial hair. This ensures a fine facial structure and clean look. Keep your eyebrow lines neat, upper lip hair and chin hair groomed. To trim eyebrows, meet with a professional who can wax or pluck your eyebrows.

* If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.

* Get a complpete SLEEP!  

I hope this few things will help you a lot.

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