Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In the mood for LOVE? (some random thoughts)

OK, I know it's too late for Valentines Day and I don't care. It's just a random thoughts that runs in my mind and I've shared it with others before (not in my blog) and I wanna share it to the world.

Lately, I've been like a love/relationship guru (it makes me feel like I am). I  don't have a perfect relationship right now, or let me say my relationship with someone doesn't have any labels. I don't wanna label it in the first place. YES! call me insane, call me whatever and I just want to be careful right now. I just want to take care of him.

Let's not talk about mine, as if I am not ready yet to share it to the world. LOL. But let's have this some random thoughts. When can you say when you are falling in love? For me? I actually don't have signs, not just that I don't believe in signs but I just can't see any signs. It's like one day I will be surprise and it's like Oh my god, I'm in love.

Are you guys like this, I mean, if you like someone, do you keep on telling and sharing stories about this person, like you keep mentioning his/her name in every topic that you will be having with your friends. Like, everytime that you will be having a conversation with a friend there is no minute that you'll gonna mention his/her name. That's number one they say.

In every time that you will be going somewhere, let's say you will be buying something, all you think is that "I wanna buy this for him?, just for nothing I just want to?" Aren't you just kind enough and generous that you wanna buy something for that person. 

If you see something or small things it reminds it of him, and suddenly you will tell your self that, yeah this was the same color of pen that he/she is using the last time or "Awwww he was wearing the same shirt the last time we ate dinner together." Aren't you just have a good memory for you to remember everything.

If you are in one place and it is your first time to be there, is there sometimes that you will think and there is a thought in your head that says, "I'm gonna bring him/her here one day, I know he/she'll gonna love it."

In short, in every moves you make, in every breath you take, in every random thoughts that you will havein your mind, you will always include him/her.

Now , tell me, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?? Pull the trigger now as I am guilty about this. People telling me that I am in love and I keep on denying it, well I don't care if he reads this blog, well at least he knows, but I have an answer for this. He just make me feel happy everytime that we talk, every time that we shares stuffs, opinion and thoughts, it makes me feel happy. I can't say that I am complete or he makes me complete because I am not totally complete yet.

One thing is for sure! Every time that he is around my world starts to brighten up, I'm sad every time I see him sad, I'm sad every time that I will hear that he is heart broken. I don't like seeing him feeling sad, I don't like seeing him that he is having a bad mood. It hurts every time that I will see him hurting inside. As if I wanna be a super hero or look for a fairy god mother and wish to take all his blues away, but I'm not a super human and I don't have a fairy god mother to do all of that, the only way that I can take it away is to be his guide all through out. To be his adviser and tell him all the good thoughts that I have in my mind to make his bad day turned into a good day and I mean it. I'm not saying it just for the sake of saying it because I want him to be happy or what, I'm saying it because I know what is right and what thoughts I have in mind.

(Disregard that I mentioned that "Let's not talk about mine, as if I am not ready yet to share it to the world." I just notice and realize that it's all about my feelings, I'm sorry.)

Well, I'm happy right now and he is also happy(as far as I know). We're both OK and I don't wanna ruin the relationship that we have. But if you will asked me, I want him to be with me forever, I wanna take care of him, I wanna talked to him til the break of dawn. I'm gonna wipe his tears away and laugh all through out with him. I can say that we are like best of friends and I'm contented with that kind of thing. I couldn't asked for more, I think so or as of now.

The only wish that I have is, I wish that the friendship that we have will last forever.

Too much for drama, Yes kick me now!

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